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Innovation Centre
We have invested RM9.04 million on various R&D initiatives in FY2023. Our R&D team, formed by talented individuals, is now leading the charge for chan...
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Innovation Centre
Robotic Arm Process Simulator
When hypotheses are ready for expansion, our three robotic arm process simulators come into play. They simulate the glove manufacturing process with a...
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Innovation Centre
Analytical Labs
Our analytical labs test new ideas on a smaller scale to minimise material wastage and to pulse-check the potential. Our meticulous work focusses on t...
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Innovation Centre
We have invested RM9.04 million on various R&D initiatives in FY2023. Our R&D team, formed by talented individuals, is now leading the charge for change. They are the brilliant minds behind our many industry firsts, including the COATS® Colloidal Oatmeal Coated Glove and AMG™ Antimicrobial Glove, where each addresses a market gap that eases the lives of our customers.
Innovation Centre
Robotic Arm Process Simulator
When hypotheses are ready for expansion, our three robotic arm process simulators come into play. They simulate the glove manufacturing process with accuracy and minimal human errors. From dipping to curing and stripping, this proprietary design guarantees consistency, repeatability and reliability. With three concurrent project capabilities, we maximise efficiency and testing capacity.
Innovation Centre
Analytical Labs
Our analytical labs test new ideas on a smaller scale to minimise material wastage and to pulse-check the potential. Our meticulous work focusses on the detailed analysis of material characterisation. This process helps us to validate hypotheses before scaling up.
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Innovation Centre

Redefining possibilities that drive advancement

Responsible for the development of new inventions, product improvement and troubleshooting, the Innovation Centre is the pillar that drives our Research & Development (R&D) forward. It echoes the sentiment that innovation truly runs throughout our DNA.

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